We employe proved and tested methods of work, certified and qualified individuals to execute projects effectly in field of Telecom spanning from installations, troubleshooting and maintenance. Ran poseses a robust team with Engineers who have both technical and project management skills which are key to your project smooth execution.


Microwave Transmission

Microwave link installation is performed by RAN qualified and certified crews. Crews can be scaled to meet the build-out market demand and project schedule. All resources within a crew adhere to all local safety laws and carry EHS safety certifications.

microwave link installation include

  • Microwave Line of site survey
  • Microwave link planning
  • Microwave pole and hardware installations
  • Microwave hardware configuration, alignment and Comiisisoning
  • RF Works

    Ran Engineering Solutions has supported companies to build new sites and upgrades in the last three years while maintaining high quality and following safety regurations. RAN has a dedicated department for Telecom field work and project management. ran team can handle and execute the following works
  • 2G installations and maintenance
  • 3G Intstallations and Maintenance
  • 4G installations and maintenance
  • Drive test and Optimisation
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    Other Servide offere by Ran Include

  • Rf and Microwave troubleshooting
  • RF and Microwave decomissioning
  • RF and Microwave disposal