
Networking and computer systems

Ran Engineering designs and develops systems which act as business enablers for growth. Spaning from LAN for internet access, VOIP, network security with Port security and firewalls. Ran Has both qualified and experts in Huawei, Cisco, Dlink, Cambium equipment for routing and switching projects. These projects can be deployed using protocols like OSPF,BGP.

Te following are the services offered in this category.

  • LAN planing, supply installation and maintenance
  • VOIP systems planning, supply and installations
  • Computer hardware supply and advisory in procurement process and maintenance.
  • server system installation and maintenance(microsoft server, SQL server system
  • Web applications design and maintenance

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    Software development and supply

    Ran Enginering Focusses on utilisation of technology to automate Business systems thus allowing expansion of business with limited losses. Ran utilises google products among other products to develope cheap systems for both small scale and large scale enterprises in areas of data collection, data management, visiualisation and analysis.

    Ran supplies and mantains genuine software products form trusted companies as shown below.

  • Computer Antivirus
  • microsoft packages
  • Accounting softwares
  • CAD softwares
  • open BTS