RAN Engineering solutions Ltd has been prequalified for supply of Electrical and air conditioning by the province of Church of Uganda. That means thats Ran can compete favourably in its areas of expertise. These news continue to prove the capability of RAN in areas of Elctrical Engineering and its robust management system.
To improve the team work and working relationship of the company employees, Ran Holds Team building events each year. This time was held at Botanical Gardens Entebbe With activities like soccer, Goat roasting, Swimming, Boat riding. This was held before team breaking for xmass holiday and it has brought back the morale to work together as the team.
Ran Engineering solutions Ltd took another compliancy step towards registering for VAT. This to make our services s price is still competitive since our customers can recover the VAT on thier costs. This helps also on the bookkeeping records which provides better information for the business and our shareholders
RAn celebrated its 2nd Aniversary on 3rd October 2021. This is taken as second year of exelence. Among the Anniversarycelebration was the high quality work done by th e company, partners Obtainedand the team built at Ran